Paper Format

美 [ˈpeɪpər ˈfɔːrmæt]英 [ˈpeɪpə(r) ˈfɔːmæt]
  • 网络纸张格式;论文格式;报告形式
Paper FormatPaper Format
  1. The MLA research paper format also requires that students have one inch margins around the four sides .


  2. The MLA research paper format basically states that students should always have a cover page with their documents .


  3. The MLA research paper format is the most popular style , as it is most widely used in all levels of study and by all academic departments .


  4. The MLA research paper format is the style that a learner will have to use as he or she completes his or her assignment .


  5. Next , this paper introduces format of data frame , function and GUT three aspects of the PC software design .


  6. Based on public broadcasting and internal communication system in international airport building , the paper introduces format of theirs bidding technology document , and it introduces technique performance indexs for engineering requirements .


  7. From the perspective of Audio Compression Theory , the paper discusses format of audio Frequency technique ( MP3 ) and compression coding principle and also introduces the facture of audio Frequency technique ( MP3 ) .


  8. This paper designs the format and content of the report explaining relevant human resource capital rights .


  9. First , the paper studies the format of SAR data , and read , display SAR information by programming .


  10. In this paper the free format input data system for general purposes developed by the Research Institute of Engineering Mechanics of DIT is introduced .


  11. The paper established difference format of the two kind of constitutive models ' heat-mechanics coupling problem and programed MATLAB programme to solve temperature field .


  12. This paper introduces the format of CGR and the method of processing those measure data by VC programme for using those datum without environment of CGR system in detail .


  13. This paper introduces the format of PLC programming and the method for realizing communication by using language VC ~ ( + + ) and describes the method of management and control of PLC .


  14. This paper introduces the format of cycling instruction about G25 and G26 , and application in XK0816A CNC mill machine .


  15. This paper analyses the format of the AIS information packet . Then introduce a way to decoding and displaying the detailed Dynamic and Static information from the AIS receiver .


  16. First the paper introduces the format of GIF file , then expounds when implement GIF image file 's coding with JAVA language , the details that should be considered .


  17. This paper describes the format of WAVE file , put forwards a method of its data compression , and gives basis and results of compression . Experimental results show that this method is feasible .


  18. This paper analysis the format of the IP datagram and extend the definition of IP option field to supports the embedding of the program in datagrams which realize the active networks technology in Internet .


  19. Refering to the project development experience , this paper introduces the format of DICOM image , and describes the design and realization of the DICOM image Information_reading interface on C + + in detail .


  20. The paper discussed the format of CAPP cutter-tool-path file , the structure of NCP and key issues in system implement in detail . And the future research direction is sketched out at the end of the paper .


  21. This paper analyzes the format of DXF file of AutoCAD , introduces the interface programming for the extraction of required data based on DXF file , and gives an implement method with Delphi for extracting the data from AutoCAD graphics .


  22. This paper mainly introduces allaround format of MIME mail .


  23. This paper introduces IRIG-B code format and the structure of hardware , and the program of the system is also given .


  24. This paper describes the unified format of the medical picture and relevant information in the world , and the unified criterion of exchange method .


  25. Based on current IDC data processing software , this paper analyzed the IMS format , which is destined for the radionuclide data exchange .


  26. Description freedom model is proposed to enhance local and global three-dimensional models in detail . This paper analyzes the file format that graphics program can easily read .


  27. The paper has analysed the format of a kind of popular computer embroidery file , on the base of which the design of embroidery file browser software is introduced .


  28. Based on the comparison among the data types of common relational database , the paper designed a data format matching method to complete the data format match of heterogeneous systems . 5 .


  29. By extracting common communication mechanism , protocol conversion part is independent of communication process . The paper proposes XML-based protocol format description and PYTHON script to achieve protocol conversion .


  30. The principle and structure of a large size three-dimensional laser-engraving machine has been introduced in this paper , discussed the format of data file , the design of hardware and software .
